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Register a Hong Kong limited company

Incorporate a limited company as low as $4580 (inclusive of government fees).

Registering a limited company is the most commonly used company registration mode for Hong Kong people. Hong Kong is an international city that benefits from its geographical advantage and policies. Coupled with the low threshold for registering a company, many choose to set up their business in Hong Kong.

Limited company registration fees

forming a limited company.

Economy package $5780

Certificate of incorporation and business registration certificate

Five copies of company articles

One company round seal and one signature chop

Bank account opening referral

Company register

Preparation of register of significant controllers

Government registration fee of $1720
Business registration fee $2150


forming a limited company.

Green Box package $5980

Certificate of incorporation and business registration certificate

Five copies of company articles

One company round seal, one signature chop, and one common seal.

Bank account opening referral

Company register and share certificate book

Preparation of register of significant controllers

Government registration fee of $1720
Business registration fee $2150


forming a limited company.

One-day Formation $6780

Certificate of incorporation and business registration certificate

Five copies of company articles

One company round seal and one signature chop

Bank account opening referral

Company register

Preparation of register of significant controllers

Government registration fee of $1720
Business registration fee $2150


We are willing to answer any questions regarding the registration of a limited company

Hotline: +852 3580 7031 / WhatsApp: +852 5380 2348

Company registration process

  • Online submission of information: Customers can directly submit their application online by entering and submitting the required information on the company registration form (including service options, proposed company name, address, details of directors, shareholders and company secretary, etc.).
  • Data verification: Our registration service staff will conduct a name search for the proposed company name and verify the completeness of the information and the preparation of the required documents for company registration.
  • Appointment for signing: Once the information is confirmed to be correct, we will arrange an appointment for the client to come to our office to sign the documents and make payment. After the documents are signed, we will submit the registration documents to the Companies Registry for the issuance of the Certificate of Incorporation (which takes about 7 working days / our express incorporation service can provide BR and CI within 1 working day).
  • Successful company registration: Upon receiving the Certificate of Incorporation, we will arrange for the production of the company seal or green box. After receiving all the documents and company chop, we will notify the client to pick them up and arrange for bank account opening referral.

requently asked questions about registering a limited company

Common questions about company registration:

Question: What are the requirements for opening a limited company in Hong Kong?
Answer: To open a limited company in Hong Kong, a shareholder and director who is at least 18 years old and holds a passport or ID card from China or overseas are required. The registered address of the limited company must be a Hong Kong address. Additionally, the limited company must appoint a Hong Kong resident or a professional firm to act as its company secretary, and the secretary company must hold a trust or company service provider license.

Question: Can mainland residents or foreigners open a limited company in Hong Kong?
Answer: Yes. Hong Kong's company law does not impose any nationality restrictions on shareholders/directors, but the company secretary must be a Hong Kong resident or company holding the TCSP License.

Question: Will the business nature stated on the Business Registration Certificate limit a company from expanding into other business areas?
Answer: The business nature generally indicates the main business scope of a company, but the Business Registration Certificate does not limit the types of business a company can conduct, and thus will not restrict a company from expanding into other business areas.
If there is a change in a company's business operations, a form can be submitted to update the business nature.

Question: How can I know if a company has been incorporated?
Answer: You can conduct a company search on the Companies Registry website of Hong Kong or engage us to conduct the search. There is no charge for this type of search. The search result will provide information on the company's registration status, registered office address, directors, shareholders, and other relevant details.

Question about Company Name

Question: Can Simplified Chinese characters be used for the Chinese name of a limited company?
Answer: No, only Traditional Chinese characters can be used.

Question: Can a limited company be registered with only a Chinese or English name?
Answer: Yes, it is possible, but it is recommended to prioritize an English name as some bank accounts require an English name registration.

Question: Does the company name need to be related to the business scope?
Answer: No, it is not necessary.

Question: Can the company name be changed after the company is incorporated?
Answer: Yes, it is possible. An application form can be submitted to the Companies Registry to change the company name, and the approval time is around 5 working days. The government fee is HKD 295

Question: What is the difference between a company name and a business name?
Answer: The company name and business name can be the same or different. For example, "Adam Ho Limited" is the company name, and the business name can be "AC Accounting". The business name does not need to be provided during the company registration process.
After the company is incorporated, the government should be notified of the business name and nature of business (within one month of commencing business).

Question: Does the company name need to include the words "Limited" or "有限公司"?
Answer: Yes, the name of a Hong Kong limited company must include the words "Limited" or "有限公司" in order to indicate that the shareholders have limited liability for future debts.

Question: In what languages can a company name be named?
Answer: It should be either English or Chinese

Question about issued share capital

問:註冊股本是什麼 ?

答:法例對香港私人有限公司的註冊股本並沒有太大限制,一般而言,註冊股本越大,公眾對公司的信心越大。香港有限責任公司的最底註冊股本金額為HK$1 。


問:公司註冊股本是否需要驗資 ?

問:股本可以轉讓嗎 ?

Question about registered office address



Question about shareholder & director


問:股東及董事可否由同一人擔任 ?

答:至少一名股東及董事,股東可兼任董事 。

答:只要年滿18歲,持護照或身份證的中國居民或海外人士均可成為香港有限公司的股東或董事 。破產人士除外。



We are willing to answer any questions regarding the registration of a limited company

Hotline: +852 3580 7031 / WhatsApp: +852 5380 2348

Value-Added Services

Company secretary

+1880 per annum

Under the Companies Ordinance, a Hong Kong limited company is required to have a company secretary to ensure compliance with the law. Engaging a company secretary can save clients time and prevent unnecessary penalties.

Secretary with Registered Address


Company Secretary with Registered Address service offers high cost-effectiveness, allowing you to focus on your business. We will handle all matters related to company registration details changes and mail forwarding on your behalf.

Corporate E-mail

+850 per annum

Email is the primary channel for corporate communication. Corporate email can enhance the company's image, strengthen customer confidence, and improve team communication efficiency.

HK Trademark Registration

+$3500 (including government fees)

After registering a trademark, you will have exclusive rights to use the trademark for the goods or services covered, providing you with the highest level of protection for your use of the trademark.

We are willing to answer any questions regarding the registration of a limited company

Hotline: +852 3580 7031 / WhatsApp: +852 5380 2348

Referral for Opening a Company Bank Account

CASmart's company incorporation services include a free referral for bank account opening, helping entrepreneurs and SMEs to solve difficulties in opening bank accounts.

What is a Limited Company?

A limited company is one of the common types of companies in Hong Kong. Legally, a limited company is an independent legal entity, able to sign contracts, initiate legal proceedings, own assets, and borrow money in the name of the company.

A private limited company requires at least one shareholder, one director, and one company secretary. The company can have a maximum of 50 shareholders. The transfer of shares in a private company is restricted, and the company cannot offer shares to the public.

A limited company has an advantage over an unlimited company in terms of continuity. The business operations of a limited company will not be interrupted by the death, bankruptcy, retirement, or mental incapacity of any one of the company's shareholders. Additionally, a limited company cannot be dissolved by a single shareholder.

The liability of a shareholder in a limited company is limited to the issuance of shares, and shareholders will not bear personal legal or debt liabilities arising from the company's operations. However, when establishing a limited company in Hong Kong, it is required to comply with various legal requirements. Before filing tax returns, it is also necessary to appoint an auditor to audit the company's financial statements, making the process more complex than that of an unlimited company.

What are the benefits of registering a limited company?

Advantage 1: Protection of shareholders' personal assets.

Registering a limited company provides the main benefit of limited liability, where shareholders are only liable for their capital contributions. This safeguards shareholders' personal finances from being affected by any business mistakes. However, whether entrepreneurs would still attempt new or less risky investments in the event of business failure depends on their risk tolerance and investment strategy.

Advantage 2: More fundraising options

Limited companies can raise funds by issuing shares, while also protecting investors through limited liability. Banks also offer different financing products for limited companies, providing sufficient funds for business operations. For example, the recently launched SME Financing Guarantee Scheme, which provides 100% government-guaranteed loans, is only available for limited companies.

Advantage 3: Better brand image

Limited companies are regulated by the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, which imposes higher requirements for information disclosure from incorporation to maintenance. Limited companies generally have a better image among suppliers, customers, and investors, as the impression is that larger companies tend to operate as limited companies.

Advantage 4: Sustainable operation

The existence of limited companies can be sustainable, as the company will not be terminated due to the illness or death of individual shareholders. Limited companies can also introduce capable investors and management through share allocation, making the company more flexible in its development. Most large corporations and enterprises have expanded their businesses worldwide using this model.

Advantage 5: Free transfer of shares

Limited company shares can be freely transferred with the approval of the board of directors, and business can be indirectly sold through share transfer. Compared to unlimited companies, investors generally prefer the transfer of limited companies. Put yourself in their shoes, if someone wants to transfer a company to you, you would also be concerned about potential liabilities of the company, right?

Advantage 6: More deductible expenses.

Limited companies are independent legal entities, and expenses related to generating income can be deducted from the income as expenses. Examples of such expenses include entertainment expenses, transportation expenses, and travel expenses. We can also achieve better tax treatment by holding assets such as properties and cars under the limited company. For instance, if a rental property is held by a limited company, expenses like maintenance and renovation costs can be deducted from the rental income as expenses, but such deduction cannot be made if the property is held in the name of an individual.

Advantage 7: Favorable tax planning

The remuneration of directors and their spouses in a limited company can be deducted as expenses, which is advantageous when distributing profits and legally transferring some of the profits to salary tax, thereby obtaining more tax benefits. For more information on tax planning strategies, please contact a Yisi accounting and tax specialist for inquiry

Advantage 8: Favorable for overseas individuals to apply for business visa

If you are a non-Hong Kong resident, setting up a limited company in Hong Kong can facilitate the application of a business visa to come to Hong Kong.

Enquiry Form

If you have any questions regarding company registration, please feel free to submit an online enquiry form. Our company promises to respond within 24 hours upon receiving the enquiry.

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