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HK Trademark Registration

A trademark is considered an important asset for a company. It can be a symbol, slogan, word, design, shape, sound, color, smell, or any combination of these elements. Trademarks are typically used as identifiers for specific products and services produced by a company. Registering a trademark is an important step as it helps protect your brand and business.


Benefits of Trademark Registration

When registering a logo, international trademark registration symbols such as R®, C©, and TM™ may appear. C (Copyright) indicates that the trademark registration is protected by copyright, for example, © All rights reserved, and others are not allowed to copy the content. TM (Trademark) indicates that the trademark application is in progress but has not yet been completed, for example, "AC Accounting™". R (Registered) indicates that the trademark registration has been completed, and the trademark cannot be used without the ® symbol.

Benefits of Trademark Registration包括:

  • Professional Corporate Image
  • Enhancing Brand Value
  • Preventing Trademark Infringement
  • Distinguishing the Source of Goods
  • Building Customer Confidence

If you have any questions about trademark registration, we are happy to answer them

熱線:+852 3580 7031 / WhatsApp:+852 5380 2348 (24小時)

Application for HK trademark registration

Application for HK trademark registration
申請人類別 *
Maximum upload size: 209.72MB
A series of trademarks (up to 4) (with only different colors allowed)

Hong Kong trademark registration fees First class $2500, additional class $1500 (government registration fees included)
(Registration time is 6-8 months) (Valid for 10 years)

Trademark registration classification:Details

If you have any questions about trademark registration, we are happy to answer them

熱線:+852 3580 7031 / WhatsApp:+852 5380 2348 (24小時)
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